Thursday 5 June 2008

Ten Days To Go

Our flight, for some reason, got cancelled. When Hodges told me this I nearly had a freakin' coronary. Why he couldn't have said "our flight has been moved" I don't know. Instead, the conversation ran thusly:

"Alright DC? Zoom called, they've cancelled our flight."

"Urk!" *dramatic pause, palpitations*

"But they've put us on a new one on the 15th instead."


... I may be paraphrasing slightly, my memory is a little hazy. There may or may not have been a slowmotion swordfight later that day. With elephants.

Aaaaaanyway, ten days. WOO! Crazy shizzle. Flights booked. Insurance sorted. Accommodation booked. Passport, still valid. I think I'm good. So why do I keep thinking I'm forgetting something important?

My last shift at work is on Monday. After that comes a frantic week of packing and last-minute purchasing. Oh, and fighting the rampaging hordes of the undead, but that's a completely different story.

Much love.



Hodges! said...

I said it like that cos the she-demon on the phone left me hanging the same way. I'm so excited i'm constipated in a metaphorical way...

Unknown said...

lol, i would of erupted in a protesting outburst with lots of obscenity as soon as she paused not having left enough time to redeem herself to then magically change my physical form to being 2 inches high from guilt

Rock on dan!

dont forget to warn the westwood they wont need to buy so much coffee for a while! ;) Chris C

Sophie said...

You probably ARE forgetting something. That feeling is always there before leaving on a big trip. The trick is to ensure that you're forgetting something insignificant. :P