Thursday 12 June 2008

It's The Final Countdown

.. Doo doo doo doooo... doo doo do-do-doo....

..Er, yes. So it's Thursday. That means in two days we'll be in London. And in three days, we'll be on a plane to New York. Crazy stuff!

Our extra day's accommodation has been booked, and boy, is that going to be cosy. I've just packed my bag, and it's within the baggage weight allowance, which is always a good start. Changed some extra pennies into cents, warned the bank I'm going stateside, and even (*gasp*) got a haircut for the first time in about three years. Scary stuff.

Tonight is the Team Pancake Breakfast leaving do, so it's curry o'clock in IvyTown. Can't believe it's so close! Only one or two final arrangements to make, and we're good to go. I'm assuming the others are, at least. The bastards have gone to the beach today, so they'd better be sorted.
Oh, and this week we filmed a zombie movie of epic proportions. Stay tuned. There's ketchup.

Much love, as always.


PS: My hair smells gorgeous.


Sophie said...

I love how one's hair smells after having been to the salon. :D
Silly baggage allowances... travel light, find laundromats; thats' my motto now (or friends with laundry units).

Unknown said...

good luck bud! and remember... NOBODY SAY BOMB!! not even da' bomb! ;)