Monday 16 June 2008

Still Alive

As I write, I'm sat in our hostel in New York, just off Broadway and 103rd (I think). Managed to make it through customs (scary) and ourt first night in Queens Village (scarier) where I had to share a bed with my fellow travellers (terrifying).

Thought I'd post to let you know we're all still alive, that Dempsey found us ok and that we're slowly getting to grips with everything. I've bought a new phone because my previous hunk-of-crap mobile couldn't cope! Let me know if you want the number. I don't think we'll be able to upload photos here, so you'll have to wait I'm afraid! Lots of good shots from around Manhattan, as well as the Empire State Building, and - most importantly - the first Team Pancake Breakfast.

Much Love.


Jenniwren said...

I love NY! Amazing place- how long are you there for? enjoy it! x

chris b said...

Glad you all made it. How was the hot air balloon crossing?

rosiclaire said...

Glad you're all good - isn't NYC awesome?! I'll never forget stepping out of Grand Central and just looking up at the skyscrapers, good times!

If you get a chance, go to Sbarro's for pizza. There are branches all over the city, and it's the best pizza I've ever eaten in my life :)

Take care xx

Kate said...

Hi Guys!! i am really enjoying reading your travel blog, gives sad saps like me a tickle! i am soooooooo jealous!! makes me want to take an adventure!! i hope you guys have a great time, stay safe, dont go off with strangers and drink with me when you get back to regale your travels in a dramatic way by the fire style. take care love love kate (bossingham turd features me) xxx