Wednesday 13 August 2008

Miami Vice

And other assorted cities and tools.

So yes, hello to those beautiful few who are still bothering to read this. We are still funcioning withing normal parameters (for the most part) and are cooking in our own juices in the Miami sunshine. Too graphic? Yikes. My apologies.

Anyway, we got here two days ago - but I suppose I should say a little something about our previous location - Orlando! Yes, the land of the evil mouse-led corporation of doom. No, we didn't go to Disneyland. I would have ended up kidneypunching the mouse and getting deported. Instead we went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure for our rollercoaster-based kicks. For the record, Duelling Dragons is (are?) badass. Even more so when you aren't wearing any shoes.

Our biggest mistake of the day was riding the river rapids so late - we got absolutely drenched, as you might expect, and were still damp when we got a taxi. I can't say I feel bad about that though, as the silly bastard took us in completely the wrong direction and we ended up paying about $25 more than we should have.

We also went to Wet and Wild, a huge waterpark - lots of epic rides again, and one terrifying one: a single lane slide almost as steep as a dropslide. In and of itself this would be fine - except for the way it starts: you begin by getting into a coffin-sized box with Perspex windows, and cross your arms. When the attendant has left you crapping yourself long enough she hits a button and the floor drops away. Needless to say I screamed, and experienced the worst wedgie of my life. (tmi again? Bah, deal with it, you big wuss.)

The only downside to all this water-based tomfoolery is that my left ear has been blocked for a week. On the plus side, this is a great excuse to ignore Jason.

So yes, now we're in Miami: once again, about a block from the beach. No prizes for guessing where we'll be spending most of our time. Photos, as always, are on facebook. Much love to you all!


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