Tuesday 22 July 2008

Coming To You Live From Sin City

We've had five nights here in Las Vegas. If you've never been I seriously suggest you give it a try- I've never been anywhere like it.

I didn't do much gambling as I'm just not that good at it, but I did win $28.50 on a 25 cent machine, so I call that a win. The hostel has been very cool, met all sorts of cool people. We also went along on their limo tour of the strip: the 'limo' turned out to be this big van with plasma screens and a couple of dance poles - Jas and Hodges took full advantage of the free champagne. The trip also included free entry to the Coyote Ugly club. Now I don't know what it's like in other clubs, but if that's the standard you're doing it wrong, America! The dance floor was full of people not dancing, staring at the chose few women who were allowed to dance on the stage. Now I don't go clubbing a lot, but to me it's about everybody dancing, making an arse of themselves and having a good time. Instead all the focus was on these random women - lots of lecherous creepy dudes just staring and getting in our way, because we bucked the trend and danced our little socks off. Managed to get a few others dancing too, but it didn't feel like a club so much as a bad gig. Still, I had fun so it's all good.

Oh, and know what else is funny? Seeing some guy with a big sign saying "GOD HATES SINNERS" in massive letters. In VEGAS. There's a man with his work cut out.

Also also: Dark Knight = WIN.

Next stop New Orleans!

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