Sunday 29 June 2008

No Killer, All Filler

Just to let you know, we are still alive and in Toronto! Canada is awesome, and very friendly. The immigration dude started chatting to us about some book he was reading - all very random.

Lessons learned:

>Don't take overnight Greyhounds. You WILL NOT SLEEP and your sleep patterns will be fucked up for days.

>It's very difficult to buy booze in regular shops in Ontario. Hodges and Jas found this out to their chagrin.

>Hodges is anal about peanut butter.

Much love.


Saturday 21 June 2008

Hypothesis: Alphabetti spaghetti increases literacy in urban New York

WELL, we're now in a new hostel with much a mulitcultural feel, a fair bit different to the last, although a smidge more expensive. passed a few monments in central park today, wathced some baseball got told by the porter bloke how he clearly should have been a baseball star, went back to billiabaong and the girl Jase fancies looked sad and didn't pay him any attention, having some beer tonight watchin just friends nice!... or not!
Dempsey has left us!
Cheer or boo... YOU DECIDE!
So glad to be away from BB although i bet my parents are well into it.
I miss everybody back home...... not at all you swines! suck on my smug teet!!!!!!
Got our tickets to toronto today, all is a go.
Have taken much video footage which i shall rub in peoples faces a plenty later.

gonna go buy another beer now
ciao darlings

Friday 20 June 2008

Working Photo Link

Goddamned photobucket/facebook/internet.
Anyway, those should work. Much love,

Wednesday 18 June 2008

First Stop.


Photos on Facebook. Look here, for starters:

- Dan


hey, Jason here. so if you hadnt already guessed New York is funking amazing. as dan said unfortunatly we cant upload any photos on the computers at this hostel which is a bit of a pain. been here three days and have taken about 200 already! have to hang tight for them.

so far we have been to the top of empire state building which was incredible, started off with quite low visibility because of low cloud after a thunder and lightning storm but the sun soon burnt all of that off and the view was unreal. yesterday we did about 12 hours walking around central manhaton which was a bit of a killer but well worth it! saw a tonne of cool stuff like the NBC studios, Rockerfella center and countless more insane stuff.

the weather was much better today, we got up pretty early to skip the que for the statue of liberty but it was already around the block when we got there about 10:30 am. however in true british fashion we joined the end of the line and once again it was well worth it. the ferry took us all around ellis island and dropped us off to have a walk around. it was surpisingly small though, i always imagined to be a lot larger. next we caught the tube to SoHo or South of Houston Street. we got off on the wrong stop to begin with and were wondering around some dodgy area, but we soon found our bearings and found all the trendy shops. bought a new hoody. love it. (thanks maz :P).

then the rain came down and we ran back to the hostel.(via more tubes).

stay tuned!

Jase x x

Monday 16 June 2008

Still Alive

As I write, I'm sat in our hostel in New York, just off Broadway and 103rd (I think). Managed to make it through customs (scary) and ourt first night in Queens Village (scarier) where I had to share a bed with my fellow travellers (terrifying).

Thought I'd post to let you know we're all still alive, that Dempsey found us ok and that we're slowly getting to grips with everything. I've bought a new phone because my previous hunk-of-crap mobile couldn't cope! Let me know if you want the number. I don't think we'll be able to upload photos here, so you'll have to wait I'm afraid! Lots of good shots from around Manhattan, as well as the Empire State Building, and - most importantly - the first Team Pancake Breakfast.

Much Love.

Thursday 12 June 2008

It's The Final Countdown

.. Doo doo doo doooo... doo doo do-do-doo....

..Er, yes. So it's Thursday. That means in two days we'll be in London. And in three days, we'll be on a plane to New York. Crazy stuff!

Our extra day's accommodation has been booked, and boy, is that going to be cosy. I've just packed my bag, and it's within the baggage weight allowance, which is always a good start. Changed some extra pennies into cents, warned the bank I'm going stateside, and even (*gasp*) got a haircut for the first time in about three years. Scary stuff.

Tonight is the Team Pancake Breakfast leaving do, so it's curry o'clock in IvyTown. Can't believe it's so close! Only one or two final arrangements to make, and we're good to go. I'm assuming the others are, at least. The bastards have gone to the beach today, so they'd better be sorted.
Oh, and this week we filmed a zombie movie of epic proportions. Stay tuned. There's ketchup.

Much love, as always.


PS: My hair smells gorgeous.

Thursday 5 June 2008

Ten Days To Go

Our flight, for some reason, got cancelled. When Hodges told me this I nearly had a freakin' coronary. Why he couldn't have said "our flight has been moved" I don't know. Instead, the conversation ran thusly:

"Alright DC? Zoom called, they've cancelled our flight."

"Urk!" *dramatic pause, palpitations*

"But they've put us on a new one on the 15th instead."


... I may be paraphrasing slightly, my memory is a little hazy. There may or may not have been a slowmotion swordfight later that day. With elephants.

Aaaaaanyway, ten days. WOO! Crazy shizzle. Flights booked. Insurance sorted. Accommodation booked. Passport, still valid. I think I'm good. So why do I keep thinking I'm forgetting something important?

My last shift at work is on Monday. After that comes a frantic week of packing and last-minute purchasing. Oh, and fighting the rampaging hordes of the undead, but that's a completely different story.

Much love.
